Striving for Excellence
We believe in the quality, taste, and nutrition of our mountain raised beef. Pintler Mountain Beef is grown with care, from animals raised humanely without hormones or antibiotics. Our cattle are grass-fed and grass-finished for a flavor that will have you coming back for more!
When you buy our product, not only do you get an amazing tasting steak but also peace of mind knowing that what you're eating is ethical and sustainable. What's better than delicious food? Delicious food with no guilt attached!
Bon Appétit!
Montana Ranch-Raised Beef
Shop for wholes, halves, and quarters
Our beef is raised wild and free, right along side the elk, moose, and deer.

Whole Beef Package Deposit $800 (Total Cost $3700)

Half Beef Package Deposit $600 (Total Cost $1850)

Quarter Beef Package Deposit $400 (Total Cost $925)

Eighth Beef Package Deposit $200 (Total Cost $500)

Sixteenth Beef Package Deposit $75 (Total Cost $275)
Something for everyone
We sell beef by the individual cut or by the entire animal, the choice is yours!
Our Team
Sarah Christensen
Founder, Owner
Sarah grew up in Eastern Washington. Her passion for the outdoors began at a early age where she worked trails for the Forest Service and then packed horses and mules for the National Park Service. She went on to working in remote fly fishing lodges in Alaska, elk hunting outfits in Montana, and traveling the world solo. Sarah now is the mother of three free spirited children and the founder of Pintler Mountain Beef.
Josh Christensen
Josh was raised on the family ranches (at one time, three of them; on the Ross's Fork of Rock Creek, the East Fork of Rock Creek, and on the remaining ranch, on Trout Creek, near Philipsburg, Montana. After High School, Josh joined the Navy and trained as a nuclear power plant operator on submarines. After serving 6 years in the Navy, Josh attended the University of Montana; followed by the University of Colorado School of Medicine where he obtained his MD and ultimately residency and fellowship to specialize in Infectious Diseases. He is a part-owner of the Christensen Brothers Ranch and currently works as an ID physician in Missoula, MT.

Steeped in Tradition
The ranch house (the original burned down in the 1940's) that was homesteaded in the early 1900's by Phillip Sarsfield Carey, also known as "Sarch" or "Sarg." In addition to ranching, he worked at the Rumsey Mill just south of Philipsburg (a common theme with small ranches is the necessity to have a supplemental income!). Later Bill Christensen lived there; and then it was a bunk house for hay crew in the summers. Now unfortunately time is catching up to it.
Healthy Cows, Healthy Beef
Pintler Mountain Beef cattle spend their entire lives consuming grass in the summer and a mixture of grass and alfalfa hay during the winter and they are never given growth hormones or antibiotics. This means they are as healthy as the elk that graze along side of them.
New York Strip Steak
Our dry-aged New York Strip steak is your all in one answer for grilling, pan frying and even sandwich making. If you're looking for a lean cut of meat that's perfect with salt or pepper on the grill look no further because our dry-aged strip loin will not disappoint!
You can pick up your order in Lolo OR you can have it delivered in Missoula with an additional $20 delivery fee.